The Club is organized and will be operated exclusively for education and scientific computation purposes with the following objectives:
- To acquire knowledge in the field of Information and Communication
- To take necessary steps for spreading out the Computer Networking and IT based education in
- To keep a good relationship with the other similar Societies, Clubs or communities of other
- Promoting national and international level programming contests, Robotics contests and ICT Olympiads through an active
- Arranging courses, workshops and seminar to highlight creative problem solving.
Make BAUET a global icon in front of the contemporary institutions by achieving International appreciation through different contests and Olympiads.
Enrollment System:
To become a member, one must fill up the prescribed membership form and submit it to the secretary of the Club. The criteria and conditions for new membership are as follows:
- Membership is open to all the students of BAUET having minimum CGPA of 3.00 out of 4.00.
- If any member of the Club does such thing, which goes against the principals, rules and overall interest of the Club, then the executive committee can suspend or cancel the membership of that
- If any member is punished or suspended by the authority of the university, due to adopting unfair means in the examination and other disciplinary cause then his or her membership will be
Contact: ictclubbauet@gmail.com
Facebook: facebook.com/bauetictclub