The importance of various clubs besides class education is immense for the development of creative education and talent of the university as well as for the development of the nation and the creation of qualified and skilled manpower. As a resident of Bangladesh in early 2020, there is no need to understand the fact that development in any social and commercial sector is not possible without the advancement of information technology. I call for the inauguration of the “BAUET Computer Society” club with its commitment to build a digital Bangladesh. Because the future of the country depends on the talent and values of the young society of Bangladesh. Just as this club will increase the efficiency of its members and pave the way for employment, it will also work with the great vow of building ideal people.
“The BAUET Computer Society” consists of a total of 13 sub-committees, the details of which are given in the following chapters. The sub-committee was:
- Patronage Committee
- Advisory Committee
- Executive Committee
Committees according to division
- Software Development Committee
- Programming Committee
- Game Development, Animation, AR and VR Committees
- Web Development Committee
- Research Committee
- Cyber Security Committee
- Hardware Development Committee
- Sponsor, Publication, Promotion and Maintenance Committee
- Educational Committee
- Cultural and Sports Committee
Aims and Objectives:
(1) To develop the high values of the students and to spend all the talents, labor and education for the welfare of the people.
(2) To ensure the proper development of the mind, taste and personality of the members through proper practice of creative culture.
(3) To cultivate a deep sense of brotherhood among all irrespective of religion, caste, community and ethnicity.
(4) To work for the overall welfare of the country and the people through various practices and volunteerism.
(5) To achieve spiritual and emotional development of the students.
(6) To make the students fit in the modern world by enhancing their personal and professional skills.
(7) To play a special role in good leadership and nation building.
- Outline of the Executive Committee:
There will be a working committee for the club whose term will be 01 (one) semester. The Honorable Vice-Chancellor of BAUET as the Chief Patron of the Committee will give necessary directions to the Committee. The members of the executive committee will be promoted after every 01 (one) semester. The Executive Committee may appoint new members as required.
- Format of Executive Committee:
Chief Patron – Hon’ble Vice Chancellor
Advisors – Treasurer, Registrar & Dean, Electrical & Computer Engineering
Mentoring Committee:
Mentor – Teachers and alumni
Executive Committee:
President – 1 teacher
Vice-President – 2 (1 teacher + 1 student)
General Secretary – 1 student
Human Resource Secretary – 1 student
Women Secretary – 1 student
Treasurer – 1 student
Segment-wise Committee:
Vice-President – 1 student
Assistant General Secretary – 1 student
Organizing Secretary – 1 student
Vice-President – 1 student
Assistant General Secretary – 1 student Organizing Secretary – 1 student
Current Committee President, Vice Presidents and General Secretary

Sponsor, Publication, Promotion & Maintenence Committee:
Assistant General Secretary – 1 student
Literature Secretary – 1 student
Information and Technology Secretary (ICT Secretary) – 1 student
Promotion Secretary – 1 student
Office Secretary – 1 student
Maintenance Secretary – 1 student
Scholastic Committee:
Training Secretary – 1 student
Educational Secretary – 1 student
Cultural & Sports Committee:
Cultural Secretary – 1 student
Sports Secretary – 1 student
(1) Every effort will be made to keep at least one-third female students in the committee.
(2) At least one meeting shall be held every month in the Executive Committee and the discussion, decision and progress of the meeting shall be recorded. Again the copy will be given to the main sponsor.
- Club committee selection procedure:
(1) The person holding the post of President must have past experience in such work. The president will similarly elect one student and one teacher as vice-president.
(2) The Vice-President shall be elected the Chairman of the next Committee.
(3) CV will be accepted for selection of club committee members. And the candidate will be considered for the prescribed post on the basis of merit. The structure of the CV will be provided by the club authorities.
- Minimum qualifications of club members:
(1) To be a member of the club, one must be a student of BAUET. Students below 3.00 in any semester cannot be a member of the club.
(2) In order to become a member of the club, the prescribed form must be filled through which the student will prove his / her qualifications, experience and desire to work hard. There is no fee to become a member of the club.
(3) No member shall pay any kind of subscription monthly or annually or in any one manner.
- Rules and regulations:
(1) All members are bound to abide by all rules of the club.
(2) Members must maintain control of the club.
(3) Every effort should be made to take part in all the events of the club.
(4) Every effort should be made to engage in voluntary work as required, as advised by the event coordinator.
(5) Members may not engage in any activity that would be shameful to the club.
(6) If there is any concern or concern, the head of the committee should be informed. The head of the self-governing committee will inform the executive committee and necessary action will be taken.
(7)All members must attend each meeting. If a member is absent from a meeting, he must show cause. If he does not attend two consecutive meetings without showing cause, the executive committee will take necessary action.
(8) If any member breaks the rules of the club or tries to create chaos, he will be immediately dismissed from the club. No student will be allowed to participate in any activities or events organized by the club while being dismissed from the club.
(9) If any member misbehaves with any other member or executive member, he shall be dismissed from the club.
(10) Strict action will be taken against anyone who tries to cause problems during various events.
(11) The members have to fulfill the responsibilities assigned to them within the stipulated time. Otherwise the authorities will take necessary action.
(12) At the monthly meeting, the members of the club should present the progress of the work to the members of the committee.
(13) No assets of the Club may be used for personal or other purposes.
(14) If the members of the club need to work in the lab, they have to maintain the register book of the lab.
(15) The Executive Committee has the power to add, subtract, change or add new provisions at any time as it deems necessary.
8.Minimum activities of the committee:
(1) The club shall organize at least one event or event annually.
(2) The committee of the club will always be active.
- Receipt of club members:
At the end of the term of each member committee, a certificate will be issued to all the members including the executive member through a closing ceremony. Members can also get Lifetime Membership by demonstrating outstanding qualifications. Those who perform well in various programs will be awarded a “Certificate of Excellence”.
- Training:
On behalf of the club, workshops, seminars and necessary training will be arranged to enhance the qualifications and skills of the members. In this case, the required budget will be passed by the main sponsor at least 8 or 10 days before the start of the program.
- Duties and responsibilities of the officers and employees engaged in the management of the club:
Duties and responsibilities of the President:
(1) Carry out the overall responsibility of implementing, supervising, evaluating and observing all kinds of programs of the club and shall be responsible to the higher authority for its proper execution.
(2) Be diligent in resolving any kind of problem and take action in this regard as soon as possible.
(3) Perform other duties assigned by the authority.
(4) Take initiative to purchase the goods of the club.
Duties and Responsibilities of the Vice-President:
Will provide active cooperation to the President in the implementation of the activities of the club. Perform other duties assigned by the authority.
Duties and Responsibilities of the General Secretary:
(1) To play an active role in implementing the activities of the club as directed by the President. (2) Perform other duties assigned by the authority.
- Fundraising:
The president will propose an annual budget for the club along with the university. The Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor will approve the final budget of the clubs through a coordination meeting.
- Discipline and security:
(1) Individuals involved in the club shall be bound to abide by the constitution of the club and anti-constitutional activities shall be deemed to be breach of discipline.
(2) If the accused person is found guilty, the Executive Committee may take necessary action against him.
(3) No assets of the Club may be used for personal or other purposes.
(4) Security must be ensured in conducting the activities of the club.
- Observation and evaluation:
An activity and evaluation report will be prepared from the club and a copy of the report will be sent to the office of the Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor / Chief Patron.
Executive Committee- 2020
Name | Designation | Dept | Student ID: | Batch: |
Mohammed Golam Sarwar Bhuyan | President
Associate Prof, Dept. of CSE |
Md. Sabbir Ejaz
Lecturer, Dept. of CSE |
Md. Azmain Yakin Srizon
Lecturer, Dept. of CSE |
Lecturer, Dept. of CSE |
Md. Mehedi Hasan
Lecturer, Dept. of CSE |
Lecturer, Dept. of CSE |
Samran Rahman | General Secretary | CSE | 16204003 | 4th Batch |
Md. Asif Iqbal Shoron | Joint Secretary | CSE | 16204073 | 4th Batch |
Sakib Mahmood Seaum | Joint Secretary | CSE | 16204067 | 4th Batch |
Himel Biswas | Organising Secretary | CSE | 18104055 | 7th Batch |
Rubaiat Zaman Wami | Financial Secretary | CSE | 18104042 | 7th Batch |
Md. Kamrul Islam | IT & Skill Development Secretary | CSE | 18104008 | 7th Batch |
Jubayer Abedin | Promotional Secretary | CE | 16201003 | 4th Batch |
Fahmida Haque Mim | Editorial Secretary | CSE | 16204009 | 4th Batch |
Shahinur Islam | HR and Communication Secretary | CSE | 18104041 | 7th Batch |
S.M. Tahsin Zaman | Chief Executive of Software Development | CSE | 16204027 | 4th Batch |
Abrar Faiaz Adnan | Executive of Software Development | ICE | 17105015 | 5th Batch |
Jahid Hasan | Chief Executive of Programming | CSE | 17104056 | 5th Batch |
Muzakkir Hossain Minhaz | Executive of Programming | CSE | 18204010 | 8th Batch |
Md. Momenul Haque | Chief Executive of Game Development | CSE | 18104050 | 7th Batch |
Farhan Nafiz Fahim | Executive of Game Development | CSE | 18104020 | 7th Batch |
Abu Daud Mohammad Maruf | Chief Executive of Hardware | EEE | 16203023 | 4th Batch |
Tasnim Hassan Tamim | Executive of Hardware | EEE | 19103007 | 9th Batch |
Shahriar Kabir | Chief Executive of Animation & Graphics Design | CSE | 18104022 | 7th Batch |
Rahat Al Meem | Executive of Animation & Graphics Design | CSE | 19204007 | 10th Batch |
Wahidur Zaman | Chief Executive of Web Development | CSE | 16204039 | 4th Batch |
Fahim Shahriyar | Executive of Web Development | CSE | 17204023 | 6th Batch |
MD. Jahangir Hossein | Chief Executive of Research & Development | CSE | 17104034 | 5th Batch |
Asif Ishtiaque | Executive of Research & Development | CSE | 19104008 | 9th Batch |
Tamanna Rahaman | Chief Executive of Cyber Security | CSE | 16204019 | 4th Batch |
Md. Mushfiqur Rahman Anik | Executive of Cyber Security | CSE | 18204052 | 8th Batch |
List of General Member (2020)
Sl | Name | Student ID | Dept | Batch |
1 | Ashikur Rahman | 17104039 | CSE | 5th |
2 | Sadakat Hossain Fahad | 17104038 | CSE | 5th |
3 | Tanjil Mahmud Nion | 17104047 | CSE | 5th |
4 | Srayoshi Bashed Mirza | 17104040 | CSE | 5th |
5 | Jarin Tasmin Khan | 17205013 | ICE | 6th |
6 | Fahamida Tahamin | 17205016 | ICE | 6th |
7 | Sharmin Sultana | 17204060 | CSE | 6th |
8 | Farzana Akter | 17204044 | CSE | 6th |
9 | Aditto Rehan | 17204037 | CSE | 6th |
10 | Md. Shafiullah | 17204002 | CSE | 6th |
11 | Mehnaz Chowdhury | 17204046 | CSE | 6th |
12 | Eusuf Abdullah | 18104001 | CSE | 7th |
13 | Jannat Hossain | 18104024 | CSE | 7th |
14 | Rafia Binte Kayes | 18104036 | CSE | 7th |
15 | Jannatul Ferdous Mim | 18104002 | CSE | 7th |
16 | Fahmida Gulshanara | 18104014 | CSE | 7th |
17 | Sheikh Arafa Hossain | 18104052 | CSE | 7th |
18 | Adib Arman Shuvro | 18204004 | CSE | 8th |
19 | Abdullah Al Fahad | 18204025 | CSE | 8th |
20 | Nosin Atia | 18204063 | CSE | 8th |
21 | Snigdho | 18205013 | ICE | 8th |
22 | Nishat Shama | 18204064 | CSE | 8th |
23 | Yeashtaruna Zeem | 18204043 | CSE | 8th |
24 | Anika Anomi Zisa | 18204061 | CSE | 8th |
25 | Turna Anindita Saha | 18204017 | CSE | 8th |
26 | Md Forkan Hossain | 18204047 | CSE | 8th |
27 | Md Fazle Rabbi Riyad | 18204037 | CSE | 8th |
28 | SM Fardin Ahosan | 19104013 | CSE | 9th |
29 | Habibur Rahaman | 19104026 | CSE | 9th |
30 | Sabbir Hossain | 19104001 | CSE | 9th |
31 | Shaomee Rahaman | 19104035 | CSE | 9th |
32 | Zarin Anan | 19104041 | CSE | 9th |
33 | Ferdous Wahid | 19104033 | CSE | 9th |
34 | Ferdous Zaman | 19104032 | CSE | 9th |
35 | Mehadi Hassan | 19104029 | CSE | 9th |
36 | Bonna Khatun | 19104015 | CSE | 9th |
37 | Most. Jannatul Ferdous | 19104004 | CSE | 9th |
38 | Maliha Jahan Mity | 19104006 | CSE | 9th |
39 | Md Raisul Islam Rony | 19104029 | CSE | 9th |
40 | Feroz Mahamud | 19204009 | CSE | 9th |
41 | Afrin Bristy | 19204025 | CSE | 10th |
42 | Sadia Afrin | 19204022 | CSE | 10th |
Facebook Group details:
Sl. | Admin | Details |
1 | Md. Sabbir Ejaz | Vice-Presedent |
2 | Md. Azmain Yakin Srizon | Vice-Presedent |
3 | Md. Mehedi Hasan | Vice-Presedent |
Launching date of Facebook Group: March 11
Facebook page details:
Sl. |
Admin | Details |
1 | Md. Sabbir Ejaz | Vice-Presedent |
2 | Md. Azmain Yakin Srizon | Vice-Presedent |
3 | Md. Mehedi Hasan | Vice-Presedent |
Launching date of Facebook page: March 11
Club Activities
Department of CSE has a total of two clubs that are well formulated and they are actively putting their footsteps in both national and international arena. List of the clubs and their activities are mentioned below:
Name of the Club | BAUET Computer Society
(Old BAUET Programming Club) |
Year of Foundation: | 2015-2016 |
Name of the Club Supervisor: | 1. Mohammed Golam Sarwar Bhuyan
Associate Professor, Dept. of CSE President Vice-President |
2. Md. Sabbir Ejaz
Lecturer, Dept. of CSE Vice-President |
3. Md. Azmain Yakin Srizon Lecturer, Dept. of CSE Vice-President |
4. Md. Mehedi Hasan
Lecturer, Dept. of CSE Vice-President |
Name of Currents Student Representative:
1. Samran Rahman
General Secretary Department: CSE 2. Md. Asif Iqbal Shoron Joint Secretary Department: CSE |
1. Mind Storm 2020 (Intra-University)
● Programming Contest ● Idea Contest ● UI-UX Design Contest ● Article Writing Contest ● 5. Indoor Tech Photo Contest 2. Webinar ● Software Development & Web Development ● Competitive Programming ● Research & Development ● Robotics & Hardware ● Game, Animation & Graphics 3. Arrange pieces of training and workshops on specific fields (on Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced Level) 4. Arrange regular Intra-University Contests for preparing the students for national and international contests and job markets 5. Build teams of members to solve real-world problems and practice recent trends in the modern world. 6. Inauguration ceremony of BAUET Programming Club 7. Farewell of the first batch of BAUET and farewell Programming Contest 8. Code Battle: Programming Contest 9. Talk on the Importance of Learning Programming Language 10. Workshop on ACM ICPC, NGPC, 11-12 November 2019 11. Training on Skill Development in Programming Contests. 12. Boot camp on BAUET for regional ACM ICPC. 13. A team participated on regional ACM ICPC-2019 14. TechFusion 2K20 (National Fest; Postponed due to COVID-19) ● Programming Contest ● Project Showcase (Software) ● Project Showcase (Hardware) ● Idea/Poster Contest ● Gaming Contest (FIFA) ● Gaming Contest (NFS) ● Gaming Contest (PUBG) ● Quiz Contest ● Line Follower Robot ● Robo Soccer ● 11. CAD Contest ● 12. Tech Photo Contest ● 2-Minutes Video Contest ● Seminar 15. Intra University Programming Contest-2019
16. Department arranged a workshop/seminar on “A Human-Robot Interaction Framework to Control Human Attention in Multiparty Setting” in April 2015 17. Intra University Programming Contest Organized by: CSE Department, BAUET 18. Training for Skill Development in Mobile Game and Apps Development incorporation of ministry of ICT division held in August,2018 19. Training for Skill Development in Programming Contest held in December 2018 Trainer: BUET/RUET 20. CSE department arrange intra Mobile Games & Application skill development short course. |
Participation & Achievement | 1. Participation in National Girls Programming Contest (NGPC)
Position: 100,108,134 Date: 25th November,2019 Venue: Daffodil International University
2. Participation in International Collegiate Programming (ICPC) Position: 76 among 190 team Date: 16-17 November 2019 Venue: South East University.
3. Participation in a seminar on cybersecurity “Beside Ahmedabad” Date: 15th November 2019; Venue: Ahmedabad, India.
4. Participation in EEE-Day 2019 Event: Project Championship Category Position: 2nd runner up position. Date: 12th November 2019 Venue: Bangladesh Army International University of Science & Technology (BAIUST), Comilla
5. Participation in NASA Apps Challenge-2019 Team Name: AERO Date: 19-20 October, 2019. Achieved the reputation for placing their name in top 20 team list
6. Participation in “Start Up Chapter-02”, Final round. They Have achieved the reputation for placing their name in top 20 team list.
7. Department of CSE is the defending champion of Vice Chancellor Inter Department Cricket Cup-2019.
8. Department of CSE is the defending champion of Vice Chancellor Inter Department Football, Basketball Cup and Cricket Cup-2019.
9. Participation in “Robolution-2019” Position: Champion Venue: Military Institute of Science & Technology
10. A Student of CSE department won in BITFEST-2019 which is held in 6-7th September,2019 organized by KUET.
11. Participation in “Robo Carnival-2019” Position: 2nd Runner Up Date: 18th January 2019.
12. Champion in “Student to Start Up Chapter-1 Bangladesh”
13. Champion in “Digital Bangladesh 2041″
14. Participation in National Collegiate programming Contest (NCPC) Date: January,2017; Organized by CUET
15. Participation in National Collegiate programming Contest (NCPC) Date: January,2016; Organized by Islamic University of Technology (IUT), Gazipur
16. Participation in “BAUET Tech Fair-2K18” Date: May, 2018 Position: ● 1st Position in Hardware Category ● 2nd Position in Idea Contest ● 3rd Position in Software Category
17. Participation in “Intra University Debate Competition, BAUET” Date: 12th December, 2019 Position: Runners-Up Dept. of CSE |