Nature and Environment Club is a student society for all civil engineering and other undergraduate students at Bangladesh Army University of Engineering and Technology (BAUET). Students automatically become members of the club upon entering civil engineering. The purpose of the club is to improve the university experience of students in civil engineering.

Rules and regulations of NEC

These rules shall be called rules of “Nature and Environment Club” unless there is something repugnant to the context of meaning. These rules can only be changed by the “General Body”. The executive members are called “General Body” of the club, they will also provide the sources of various things in Civil Engineering to other members of the club and co-operate with them.


Any person male or female should agree to abide by and strive for attainment of the aims and objectives of the club could be admitted to the membership of NEC.

Role of Advisor

Advisor will control the general body and select the executive members by observing the club member’s skills and interest in the club activities.

Cessation and Removal of Membership

Any person shall/cannot be member of the club:

  1. On his resignation in writing and acceptance of the same by the Executive committee of the club
  2. Any person whose activities are considered detrimental to the interests of the club can be removed from the membership of the club by a decision of the majority of members present and voting at the meeting of the “general body” of the club.


The club shall raise its funds:

  1. a) By membership fees
  2. b) By entrance fees
  3. c) By grant, donations and contributions from members or public.


General Body

The General Body shall comprise of executive members as aforesaid and shall meet at least twice in each semester to lay down guidelines for conducting the affairs of the club. The general body shall consist of not more than 15 elected members. The notice of general body meeting will be given properly.

Why we need “General Body Meeting”

  1. a) To keep proper communication with the executive member
  2. b) To get updated with the amount of fund of the club
  3. c) To consider amendments to rules and regulation
  4. d) To lay own policies
  5. e) To consider applications for admission to membership

f)In case the number of members in the General Body at any time is less than the minimum number required to form the quorum, a special General Body Meeting shall be called within a month so that the general body can fill up the vacancies by election.

Duties and Responsibilities of General Body


Will plan, organize, and carry out responsibilities associated with the role as the club’s chief executive officer.  Leads and motivates club, ensuring that club members feel valuable, inspired, and connected to each other.

Vice – President

Always attends board meetings. Make sure the club secretary mailed in the club monthly reports. Become thoroughly acquainted with the president duties so that he can assist the president

General Secretary

The role of the general secretary is to support the chair in ensuring the smooth functioning of the Management Committee. The general secretary is responsible for Ensuring meetings that are effectively organized.

Organizing Secretary

An organizing secretary serves as the face of the club. The main duties are related to publicity and are the head of administration in the club. The role of an organizing secretary is to make sure personnel have paperwork needed to do their jobs .The organizing secretary is one of the most responsible authority for the scheduled and systematic flow of management in a club.


The treasurer is in control of the club’s money, its collection, and disbursement. He is responsible for keeping accurate books that will enable him to give a full financial report whenever requested.

Technical Administrator

Contribute to the smooth running of the technical administrative function of the club. Will be heavily involved in administration duties and plan to analyze the program.


Executive Member

At least one student from every CE batch must be added there. The role of a member is to provide general support for preparing and planning in various functions of the club and to actively assist the committee in providing member benefits for the club.


Amendments to the bylaw shall be made only with the prior approval of the General Body

Nature and Environment Club (NEC) has a responsibility to provide the following to its member:

  • To organize academic activities with the intention of improving the knowledge and experience of members in the diverse areas of Civil Engineering.
  • To organize recreational and social activities amongst the member in order to foster comradeship and allow the exchange of ideas in an informal atmosphere.
  • To represent the interest of Civil Engineering students to the university.
  • To promote friendship and co-operation among members.
  • To provide a communication link between the members and the Department of Civil Engineering.



The Club conducts its activities to promote the talent of the student based on civil engineering that help them to develop skills, make them dynamic and good Communicator.  The following are the some examples of the activities that club will conduct:

  1. Conduct Annual General Meeting
  2. Civil Engineering Software Training.
  3. Training and Workshop on Civil Engineering Activities
  4. Raising awareness by means of workshop, seminars and celebrating the important international dates, such as the World Environment Day, Observed on 5th June.
  5. Idea contest, poster competitions, project competitions
  6. Day-long trips and awareness programs
  7. Also members of the club show some eco – friendly work that can be done instant by (e.g. they will be throwing trash in the bin)

Nature and Environment Club Committee-2020

Advisor: Dr. Engr. Md. Mahmudur Rahman, Assistant Professor, Dept. of CE, BAUET

President Md. Shahjahan Ali , Senior Lecturer         
Vice-President Mst. Shamima Shirin , Senior Lecturer
General Secretary K. H. Ashik Mahmud, ID 17201016(6th Batch)
Organizing Secretary Masyud-Ul-Haque Aushi, ID  18101006 (7th Batch)
Treasurer Md. Saddam Hosain ,  Lecturer
Technical Administrator AmitBhaduri,ID19101007(9th Batch)
Executive Member Rituparna Talukder, ID 17101020 (5th Batch)
Nursoon Anam, ID 17201036 (6th Batch)
Md. AshikurRahman,16101015 (4th Batch)
ArnobDiganta18201021(8th Batch)
M. Adnan Khan, ID19201012 (10th Batch)
Md. Shahariar Hosen Shikot,18101016(7th Batch)
Sadi Muhammad, ID19101011(9th Batch)
Afia Mariam, ID 19101026, (9th Batch)
Md. Touhidur Rahman, ID 20101009(11th Batch)