
The Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) program gives students the opportunities to the key emerging technologies of the ever-changing ICT era. The scope of this program is not only limited to designing computer systems or developing software but also has access to finding solutions to multidisciplinary problems with a focus on total engineering and managerial solutions. Students will learn the computer science principles that are critical to the development of software, hardware, and worldwide networking. From that background, engineering concepts and methods are to be added to give students’ exposure from designing of Information Technology systems to the development of the Internet of Things (IoT) devices, circuits, and networks. Elements of engineering practices include the systems view, manufacturing, and economic issues, and multi-disciplinary engineering applications.

This program is designed to provide students with the fundamentals of computer science, both hardware and software, and the application of engineering concepts, techniques and methods to many folds including computer systems engineering, software development and Information Technology for embracing the upcoming changes of the world. The world is moving very fast with the challenges of meeting the ever-increasing needs of using Information and Communication Technology. CSE is the base facilitators for introducing such a technology in the world. The world demand for CSE graduates is increasing tremendously. All countries of the world including Bangladesh, USA, Japan, Australia, and Canada are facing extreme challenges for getting and producing qualified CSE graduates to meet its current technological needs. Many multi-national companies, like Intel, Microsoft, Google, and Facebook are searching for qualified CSE graduates worldwide. Considering this needs, benefits, and advantages, we are starting the CSE department. To answer these questions, it’s helpful to hear from others who have made decisions about computing and the department. Their needs and personal goals may help you better define your own. The videos that follow showcase the voices of CSE undergraduates, graduates, professors, and alumni. These short, two-minute clips describe how computing can change the world and change your life, demonstrating the value of a CSE education.