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Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Bangladesh Army University of Engineering & Technology
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
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Dr. M. Kaykobad

Professor & Adjunct Faculty

Dr. M. Kaykobad

Professor & Adjunct Faculty

Dept. of CSE

Profile Details

The Flinders University of South Australia, Australia
Degree awarded in 1988

M.Engg., Computer Applications Technology
Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand
Degree awarded in 1980-82

M.S (Hons) in Engg. in  Automated Management of Merchant Marine
Odessa Marine Engg. Institute
Degree awarded in 1973-79

Period Designation Organization
17-09-1997 to date Professor Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, BUET
27-11-94 16-09-1997 Associate Professor Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, BUET
01-09-1996 to 10-09-2000 Head Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, BUET
07-01-1991 to 26-11-1994 Assistant Professor Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, BUET
07-05-87 to 06-01-1991 Senior Scientific Officer Institute of Computer Science, Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission
01-02-1987 to 06-05-1987 Software Engineer Bangladesh Project Management Institute
04-10-1979 to 10-12-1980 Commercial Officer (Comp) Bangladesh Shipping Corporation


1. Munawar Hafiz, Mohammad Sohel Rahman, Mohammad Saifur Rahman, Mohammed Eunus Ali and M Kaykobad, System Analysis and Design: A Practitioner’s Approach, In press for publication by University Grants Commission, Bangladesh

2. Mohammad Kaykobad, Medhabi Manusher Golpo, published by Anyoprokash in February, 2005

3. International Mathematics Olympiad: Problems and Solutions, in coauthorship with M Zafar Iqbal, published by Anonya Prokashani, 2003.

4. Neurone Abaro Onuronon, a collection of brain teasers, in coauthorship woth M Zafar Iqbal published by Anonya Prokashani, 2003

5. Neurone Onuronon, a collection of brain teasers, in coauthorship with M Zafar Iqbal published by Anonya Prokashani, 2002

6. Delightful Mathematics – Brain twister published in coauthorship with Professor M. Shamsher Ali and Tanbir Ahmed, Voyager Publishers, 2002.

7. Computer Programming Contest and Bangladesh, published by Voyager Publications, 2002.

8. Computer Programming, published as a textbook for students of Bangladesh Open University, 1997

9. Information Technology Management-I, published by the Institute of Cost and Management Accountants, Bangladesh, Dhaka, 1993.

10. Information Technology Management-II, published by the Institute of Cost and Management Accountants, Bangladesh, Dhaka, 1993.

11. Member of the Editorial Board for “Computer Basics” published by the Bangladesh Open University, 1997.

12. Editor of the textbook “Madhyamik Computer Shikhsha��? approved by the National Curriculum and Text Book Board for classes IX and X, 1996.

13. Coauthor of Training Manual, Computer Studies (for classes IX and X), National Curriculum and Text Book Board, April, 1996.

Research Reports:

1. Minimum connection time and some related complexity problems, Ph.D. Thesis, The Flinders University of South Australia, Bedford park, South Australia, Australia, 1986

2. Regression with minimum absolute deviations, M.Engg. Thesis, Division of Computer Applications Technology, AIT, Bangkok, Thailand, 1982

3. Mathematical models for a shipping company’s ships distribution, M.Sc. Engg. Thesis, Faculty of Engineering Management, OMEI, Odessa, 1979

4. Development of a Bangla Speller, report submitted to CASR ( BRTC Project approved by Res. 40, 113th Meeting of CASR on 4.7.94)

5. Computerization of class scheduling of different universities of Bangladesh, report submitted to University Grants Commission, 1995

[40] Johra Moosa, Rameen Shakur, Mohammad Kaykobad and Mohammad Sohel Rahman, Gene selection for cancer classification with the help of bees, ?BMC Medical Genomics 9(S2) · August 2016 International Journals:

[39] Lenin Mehedy and M Kaykobad, How Bad Can A Heap Be?, submitted for publication in Algorithmica

[38] Lenin Mehedy, Kamrul Hasan and M Kaykobad, An Improved degree Based Condition for Hamiltonian Cycles, submitted for publication in IPL

[37] Avijit Datta, Moazzem Hossain and M Kaykobad, A MODIFIED ALGORITHM FOR RANKING PLAYERS OF A ROUND-ROBIN TOURNAMENT, submitted for publication

[36] M. Sohel Rahman and M Kaykobad, On Hamiltonian cycles and Hamiltonian paths, Volume 94, Issue 1, Pages 37-41 (15 April 2005), (one of top 25 downloaded articles of IPL in September quarter 2005) Information Processing Letters, Elsevier Science

[35] Tarique Mesbaul Islam and M Kaykobad, Worst-case Analysis of Generalized Heapsort Algorithm Revisited, pp. 59-67, Vol. 83 No. 1, January 2006,International Journal of Computer Mathematics, Publisher Taylor & Francis

[34] M. Sohel Rahman and M Kaykobad, Complexities of some interesting problems on spanning trees, Volume 94, Issue 2, Pages 93-97 (30 April 2005), (one of top 25 downloaded articles of IPL in September quarter 2005) Information Processing Letters, Elsevier Science

[33] Suman Kumar Nath, Rezaul Alam Chowdhury and M Kaykobad, Min-Max Fine Heap, submitted to Information Processing Letters

[32] Tasadduq Imam and M Kaykobad, New Symbolic Substitution Based Addition Algorithm, pp. 1303-1310, Vol. 50(2005)International Journal of Computers and Mathematics with Applications, Publisher Elsevier

[31] M Kaykobad and FJM Salzborn, The Minimum Connection Time and Majority Spanning Trees being revised for Discrete Applied Mathematics

[30] Asif-ul Haque, M Saifur Rahman, Mehedi Bakht and M Kaykobad, Drawing lines by uniform packing, International journal of Computers and Graphics, vol 30, pp. 207-212, 2006, Publisher Elsevier

[29] MM Akbar, M Sohel Rahman, M Kaykobad, EG Manning and GC Shoja, Solving the Multidimensional Multiple-choice Knapsack Problem by constructing convex hulls, Available online 5 November 2004 in press in International Journal of Computers and Operations Research, Elsevier.

[28] T. Imam and M Kaykobad, Symbolic Substitution Based Canonical Recoding Algorithms, vol 48, Issues 10-11, Nov-Dec 2004, pp. 1541-1548, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, Publisher Elsevier.

[27] Adib Hassan Manob, Tarique Mesbaul Islam, M Tanvir Parvez and M Kaykobad, Search Trees and Stirling Numbers, Computers and Mathematics with Applications 48(2004) 747-754, Elsevier

[26] Mohammad Sohel Rahman and M Kaykobad, Independence Number and Degree Bounded Spanning Tree, Appl. Math. E-Notes, 4(2004), 122-124

[25] Mustaq Ahmed, Rezaul Alam Chowdhury and M Kaykobad, A New String Matching Algorithm, the International Journal of Computer Mathematics,Publisher Vol. 80, #7, pp. 825-834 , 2003, Taylor & Francis

[24] M Abdul Mannan, and M Kaykobad, Block Huffman Coding, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, vol 46 #10-11, pp. 1581-87, 2003, Elsevier.

[23] MZ Rahman, RA Chowdhury and M Kaykobad, Improvements in Double-ended Priority Queues, International Journal of Computer Mathematics, Elsevier , vol. 80 #9, pp. 1121-29, 2003, Taylor & Francis

[22] RA Chowdhury, MZ Rahman and M Kaykobad, On the bounds of min-max pair heap construction, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 43(2002) pp 911-916, Elsevier

[21] RA Chowdhury, M Kaykobad and I. King, An efficient decoding technique for Huffman codes, Information Processing Letters, 81(6): 305-308, 31 March(2002), Elsevier

[20] M Manzur Murshed, M Kaykobad and SM Rahman, A Linguistically Sortable Bengali Coding System and Its Applications in Spell Checking – A Case Study of Multilingual Applications, in Interactive Multimedia Systems, Idea Group Publishing Company, 2002

[19] F Ahmed, MS Alam, and M Kaykobad, Data Storage and Recording, a chapter in the survey volume on Instrumentation and Measurement, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2001

[18] Rezaul Alam Chowdhury, Suman Kumar Nath and M Kaykobad, The Heap Merge Sort, Computer & Mathematics with Applications,Vol. 39, Issue 7-8, pp. 194-97, 2000, Elsevier.

[17] Rezaul Alam Chowdhury, Suman Kumar Nath and M Kaykobad, A Simplified Complexity Analysis of McDiarmid and Reed’s Variant of Bottom-up Heapsort Algorithm, IInternational Journal of Computer Mathematics, Vol. 73, pp. 293-297, 2000, Elsevier

[16] Rezaul Alam Chowdhury and M Kaykobad, Calculating the Square Root with Arbitrary Order of Convergence, the International Journal of Computer Mathematics, Vol. 75, pp. 297-302, 1999, Taylor & Francis

[15] Suman Kumar Nath, Rezaul Alam Chowdhury and M Kaykobad, On average edge length of minimum spanning trees, Information Processing Letters, 70(5) 21 June(1999) pp.241-243, Elsevier

[14] M.M. Murshed and M Kaykobad, Linguistically Sortable Bengali Texts: a Case Study of Multilingual Applications, in Effective Utilization and Management of Emerging Information Technologies, Proceedings of the 1998 Information Resources Management Association International Conference, pp. 795-798, Boston, USA, May 1998, Idea Grouping Publishing

[13] M Kaykobad, M.M. Islam, M.M. Murshed and E. Amyeen, 3 is a more promising algorithmic parameter than 2, Vol 36(6) pp. 19-24, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 1998, Elsevier Science.

[12] Rezaul Alam Chowdhury, Md. Sanaul Hoque and M Kaykobad, Mode-finding algorithms revisited, International Journal of Computer Mathematics, , 69(1998) pp.253-263, Taylor & Francis

[11] A.F.R. Rahman and M. Kaykobad, A Complete Bengali OCR : A Novel Hybrid Approach to Handwritten Bengali Character Recognition, Journal of Computing and Information Technology, Vol. 6(4), 1998, pp. 395-413,

[10] M Kaykobad, Md. Sanaul Hoque, Md. Mostofa Akbar and Suman Kumar Nath, An Efficient Preprocessor for Solving Systems of Linear Equations, International Journal of Computer Mathematics Vol. 64, pp. 309-315, ,1997, Taylor & Francis

[9] M.M. Murshed and M Kaykobad, Seek distances in two-headed disk systems, Information Processing Letters 57(4) 26 February(1996) 205-209, Elsevier

[8] M Kaykobad, Q.N.U. Ahmed, ATM Shafiqul Khalid and R.A. Bakhtiar, A new algorithm for ranking players of a round-robin tournament, International Journal of Computers and Operations Research, 22(2)(1995) 221-226,Elsevier

[7] M Kaykobad, S.T. Rahman, R.A. Bakhtiar and A.A.K. Majumdar, A recursive algorithm for the multi-peg tower of Hanoi problem, International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 57(1995) 67-73, Taylor & Francis

[6] M.H. Ahsan, M Kaykobad and M. Shamsher Ali, Variational Monte Carlo calculations for the binding energy of 31 Si, Physical Review C, 43(1)(1991) 156-161

[5] M Kaykobad, On non-negative factorization of matrices, Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 96(1987) 27-33

[4] M Kaykobad, Positive solutions of a class of linear systems, Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 72(1985) 97-105

[3] M Kaykobad, Positive solutions of positive linear systems, Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 64(1985) 133-140

[2] V.Z. Ananina and M Kaykobad, Generalized model of optimum usage of technical resources of a port, Economics and Management of Marine Transport, 16(1980) 56-58

[1] I.P. Tarasova and M Kaykobad, On the method of solving the tasks of optimum planning in conditions of incomplete information, Economics and Management of Marine Transport, 14(1978) 25-30

International Conference Papers

1. M. Sohel Rahman, M Kaykobad and Mohammad Saifur Rahman, A New Sufficient Condition for the Existence of Hamiltonian Paths, Accepted for Presentation & Publication in the 20th International Conference on Computers and Their Applications (CATA), 2005.

2. Mohammad Sohel Rahman and M Kaykobad, Set Version: A New Notion and Results, Accepted for Publication and Presentation in the Information Society, 2004, 7th Multi-Conference, Sub-conference: Theoretical Computer Science, Slovenija.

3. T. Imam and M Kaykobad, New Symbolic Substitution Tables and Algorithms for the design of a fast addition unit, Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (ICCIT), 2003, pp. 98-103.

4. T. Imam and M Kaykobad, A New Symbolic Substitution Based Approach for the conversion of binary numbers to CMSD numbers, Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (ICCIT), 2003, pp. 170-173.

5. Mohammad Sohel Rahman, M Kaykobad and M M Akbar, Independence Number and Hamiltonicity of Graphs, Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (ICCIT), 2003, pp. 150-152.

6. Mohammad Sohel Rahman and M Kaykobad, On Hamiltonian Cycles and Hamiltonian Paths, Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (ICCIT), 2003, pp. 185-187.

7. Graceful Labelling of Complete Binary Trees, pp. 32-35, International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, December 27-28, 2002(With Md Mahbubul Amin Majumder, ASM Obaidul Haque)

8. Use of Phonetic Similarity Property for Bangla Spell Checker, pp. 182-185, International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, December 27-28, 2002(With Md Tamjidul Hoque)

9. Coding System for Bangla Spell Checker, pp. 186-190, International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, December 27-28, 2002(With Md Tamjidul Hoque)

10. On Calculation of Optimal Paths in Locally Restorable Bandwidth Constrained Routing in MPLS Networks, pp. 327-331, ,International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, December 27-28, 2002(With Ragib Hasan)

11. On Average Length of Cycle in a Complete Graph, pp. 47-49, International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, December 27-28, 2002(With Asif-ul Haque, Mohammad Saifur Rahman, Mohammad Sohel Rahman)

12. On Spanning Trees with restricted Number of Leaves, pp. 53-54, International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, December 27-28, 2002(With Mohammad Sohel Rahman)

13. An Improvement to MST Algorithm for Round-Robin Tournament Ranking, pp.281-283, International Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, December 26-28, 2002(With P Prometheus Mitra and I. King)

14. On the expected number of probes in AVL trees, pp.281-283, International Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, January 5-6, 2001(With RA Chowdhury, MZ Rahman, N Mahmood)

15. Isomorphism of regular graphs, pp. 290-296 International Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, January 5-6, 2001(With R Ahmed, MA Hossain)

16. On partitioning of consecutive integers, pp297-299, International Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, January 5-6, 2001 (With M Ahmed, RA Chowdhury)

17. An efficient decoding technique for Huffman codes, pp. 300-301, International Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, January 5-6, 2001 (With RA Chowdhury, I. King)

18. The minimum connection time problem, pp. 302-306, International Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, January 5-6, 2001 (With SK Nath, FJM Salzborn)

19. Stirling Numbers and Two Inversion Formulas Adib Hassan Manob and M. Kaykobad, ICCIT2001, pp 6-8, 2001.

20. On Linear Time Algorithm for SSP Problem Pradipta Prometheus Mitra, Ragib Hasan and M. Kaykobad, ICCIT2001, pp 9-12, 2001.

21. Searching Objects on Lines and Rays, Mushfiqur Rouf and M. Kaykobad, ICCIT2001, pp. 13-15, 2001.

22. A Storage Efficient Header for Huffman Coding Mohammad Abdul Mannan, Rezaul Alam Chowdhury and M. Kaykobad, ICCIT2001, pp 57-59, 2001.

23. On Optimal Huffman Compression M. Abdul Mannan and M. Kaykobad, ICCIT2001, pp. 60-61, 2001.

24. Query Optimization by Decomposition of BCNF/3NF Relations Abul Kashem Md. Shirin and M. Kaykobad, ICCIT2001, pp. 179-184, 2001.

25. Compression using Huffman Coding Techniques, Sawsan Eskander, Mustaq Ahmed and M Kaykobad, ICCIT2001, pp. 278-282, 2001.

26. On optimal keyboard layout, pp. 21-25, Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, 2000 held during 25-26 January, 2001(With Shahriar Manzoor, Munirul Abedin).

27. Fault tolerance of distributed multimedia system using quality adaptation, pp. 55-59, Proceedings of International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, 2000 held during 25-26 January, 2001(With MM Akbar, S. Hadian)

28. Block Huffman coding, pp. 60-64, Proceedings of International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, 2000 held during 25-26 January, 2001(With MA Mannan)

29. A linear time algorithm for single source shortest path problem, pp. 41-43, Proceedings of International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, 2000 held during 25-26 January, 2001(With PP Mitra, R. Hasan)

30. A simple linear time algorithm for triangulation of a simple polygon, pp. 17-20, Proceedings of International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, 2000 held during 25-26 January, 2001(With SK Nath)

31. Sorting using heap structure, pp. 26-30, Proceedings of International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, 2000 held during 25-26 January, 2001(With RA Chowdhury)

32. Quicksort Using Higher Degree Comparators, IASTED Conference on Simulation and Modeling, 1999, Philadelphia, May 5-8, 1999.(with Md. Mostofa Akbar and M. Mamunul Islam)

33. A linguistically Sortable Coding System and Its Applications in Spell Checking: A Case Study of Multilingual Applications, Proceedings of the 24th AMSE Annual Conference, Oct. 30, 1999, Best Western Hotel, Leesburg, Virginia, USA(With M.M. Murshed, Syed M. Rahman and S.M. Rahman)

34. Improvements in double ended priority queues, pp. 1-5, Proceedings of International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, 1999 (With M. Ziaur Rahman, Rezaul Alam Chowdhury)

35. Min-Max Fine Heaps, pp. 6-10, Proceedings of International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, 1999 (With Suman Kumar Nath, Rezaul Alam Chowdhury)

36. On some issues related To LP Problem, pp. 15-18, Proceedings of International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, 1999 (With Rezaul Alam Chowdhury, Sumon Kumar Nath)

37. On Optimal d-Huffman Tree, pp. 23-27, Proceedings of International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, 1999 (With Tarique Mesbaul Islam, Rezaul Alam Chowdhury)

38. Quick sort using comparators with higher degree, pp. 28-32, Proceedings of International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, 1999 (With Md. Mostafa Akbar, M. Mamunul Islam)

39. Algorithms for solving systems of linear equations, pp. 33-36, Proceedings of International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, 1999 (With Suman Kumar Nath, Rezaul Alam Chowdhury, Mustaq Ahmed)

40. On parameters of search trees, pp. 50-53, Proceedings of International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, 1999 (With Rezaul Alam Chowdhury, Tarique Mesbaul Islam, Suman Kumar Nath)

41. A new exact string matching algorithm, pp. 187-192, Proceedings of International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, 1999 (With Rezaul Alam Chowdhury, Mustaq Ahmed)

42. A new map method for minimizing Boolean Expression, pp. 193-196, Proceedings of International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, 1999 (With A.K.M. Ashikur Rahman)

43. A novel hybrid approach to handwritten Bangla character recognition, Proc. International Conference on Computational Linguistics, speech and Document Processing, pp. A5-A10. Calcutta, India, Feb. 18-20, 1998(With A.F.R. Rahman and M.A. Sattar)

44. An Efficient Line Algorithm, pp. 1280-1282, 39th Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, August 18-21, 1996, Iowa State University, Arnes, Iowa, USA(With ATM Shafiqul Khalid)

45. Complexity of Max-Cut on Special Graphs, pp. 28-32, An International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, December 18-20, 1998 (With Mostafa Akbar, A.K.M. Azad and F.J.M. Salzborn)

46. Majority Spanning Trees and Their Applications, pp. 33-36, An International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, December 18-20, 1998 (With Suman Kumar Nath, M. Mamunul Islam, F.J.M. Salzborn and M.M. Murshed)

47. On Some Classes of Spanning Trees, pp. 42-44, An International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, December 18-20, 1998,(With Suman Kumar Nath and Rezaul Alam Chowdhury)

48. On Average Edge Length of Minimum Spanning Trees, PP. 52-53, An International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, December 18-20, 1998 (With Suman Kumar Nath and Rezaul Alam Chowdhury)

49. Minimizing Area Cost of On-Chip Cache Memories, pp. 63-68, An International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, December 18-20, 1998 (With A.K.M. Ashiqur Rahman)

50. Worst-Case Analysis of Generalized Heapsort Algorithm Revisited, pp. 224-228, An International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, December 18-20, 1998 (With Tarique Mesbaul Islam)

51. Differential Sort(D-Sort):A Subtraction-Based Sorting Algorithm, pp. 234-238, An International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, December 18-20, 1998 (With A.K.M. Azad)

52. Geometry in Solving Systems of Linear Equations, presented in the first International Congress on Muslim Youths and Scholars Innovations and Creative Works, held on March 7-9, 1995 at Tehran, Iran.

53. On discrete optimization, invited lecture, Application of Mathematics, the Proceedings of the First UNESCO Regional Workshop, held at Bahawalpur, Pakistan, (1989) pp. 102-11.

54. Application of Graph Theory in the Study of Physical Sciences, Book of Abstracts, International Bose Symposium, 1988.(With M.N. Hossain)

  •   Journal Papers:
56. Mohammad Saifur Rahman, Md. khaledur Rahman, Sanjay Saha, M. Kaykobad, and M. Sohel Rahman, Antigenic: An improved prediction model of protective antigensArtificial Intelligence in Medicine, Elsevier, 94:28-41, 2019 [paper link].
55. Mohammad Saifur Rahman, Swakkhar Shatabda, Sanjay Saha, M. Kaykobad, and M. Sohel Rahman, DPP-PseAAC: A DNA-binding protein prediction model using Chou’s general PseAACJournal of Theoretical Biology, Elsevier, 452(7), :22-34, 2018 [paper link].
54. Mohammad Saifur Rahman, Md. Yusuf Sarwar Uddin, Tahmid Hasan, M. Sohel Rahman, and M. KaykobadUsing Adaptive Heartbeat Rate on Long-Lived TCP ConnectionsIEEE/ACM TRANSACTIONS ON NETWORKING, IEEE, 26(1), :203-216, 2018 [paper link].
53. Mohammad Saifur Rahman, Md. Khaledur Rahman, M. Kaykobad, and M. Sohel Rahman, isGPT: An optimized model to identify sub-Golgi protein types using SVM and Random Forest based feature selectionArtificial Intelligence in Medicine, Elsevier, 84:90-100, 2018 [paper link].
52. Johra Muhammad Moosa, Rameen Shakur, M. Kaykobad, and M. Sohel Rahman, Gene selection for cancer classification with the help of beesBMC Medical Genomics, BioMed Central, 9(S2), 2016
51. Sumaiya Iqbal, M. Kaykobad, and M. Sohel Rahman, Solving the multi-objective Vehicle Routing Problem with Soft Time Windows with the help of beesSwarm and Evolutionary Computation, Elsevier, 24(-), :50-64, 2015
50. M. Sohel Rahman, M. Kaykobad, and J. S. Firoz, New Sufficient Conditions for Hamiltonian PathsThe Scientific World Journal, 2014:ID: 743431, 2014
49. Md. Mahbubul Hasan, M. Shahjalal, and M. KaykobadAn in-place heapsort algorithm requiring nlogn+nlog*n?0.546871n comparisonsInternational Journal of Computer mathematics, 88(16), :3350-3360, 2011
48. Md. Mahbubul Hasan, N. Shahjalal, and M. KaykobadAn in-place heapsort algorithm requiring nlogn+nlog*n−0.546871n comparisonsInternational Journal of Computer mathematics, 88(16), :3350-3360, 2011
47. Md Kamrul Hasan, M. Kaykobad, and Young-Koo Lee, A comprehensive analysis of degree based condition for Hamiltonian cyclesTheoretical Computer Science, 411(1), :285-287, 2010
46. Avijit Datta, Moazzem Hossain , and M. KaykobadA MODIFIED ALGORITHM FOR RANKING PLAYERS OF A ROUND-ROBIN TOURNAMENTInternational Journal of Computer Mathematics, Taylor & Francis, 85(1), :1-7, 2007
45. Lenin Mehedy, M. Kamrul Hasan, and M. KaykobadAn improved degree based condition for Hamiltonian cyclesInformation Processing Letters, 102(2-3), :108-112, 2007
44. Asif-ul Haque, Mohammad Saifur Rahman, Mehedi Bakht, and M. KaykobadDrawing lines by uniform packingInternational journal of Computers and Graphics, Elsevier, 30(2), :207-212, 2006 [paper link].
43. T. Mesbaul Islam , and M. KaykobadWorst-case Analysis of Generalized Heapsort AlgorithmInternational Journal of Computer Mathematics, Taylor & Francis, 83(1), :59-67, 2006
42. M. Sohel Rahman, and M. KaykobadComplexities of some interesting problems on spanning treesInformation Processing Letters, Elsevier Science, 94(2), :93-97, 2005
41. M. Sohel Rahman, and M. KaykobadOn Hamiltonian cycles and Hamiltonian pathsInformation Processing Letters, Elsevier Science, 94(1), :37-41, 2005
40. Md. Mostofa Akbar, Eric G. Manning, M. Sohel Rahman, and M. KaykobadOptimal Server Selection for Content RoutingComputers and Their Applications, :259-264, 2005
39. T. Imam, and M. KaykobadSymbolic Substitution Based Canonical Recoding AlgorithmsComputers and Mathematics with Applications, Elsevier, 48(10-11), :1541-1548, 2004
38. Md. Mostofa Akbar, M. Sohel Rahman, M. Kaykobad, G Manning, and GC Shoja, Solving the Multidimensional Multiple-choice Knapsack Problem by constructing convex hullsInternational Journal of Computers and Operations Research, 2004
37. M. Sohel Rahman, and M. KaykobadIndependence Number and Degree Bounded Spanning TreeAppl. Math. E-Notes, 4:122-124, 2004
36. Adib Hassan Manob, Tarique Mesbaul Islam, M Tanvir Parvez , and M. KaykobadSearch Trees and Stirling NumbersComputers and Mathematics with Applications, Elsevier, 48:747-754, 2004
35. MZ Rahman, RA Chowdhury, and M. KaykobadImprovements in Double-ended Priority QueuesInternational Journal of Computer Mathematics, Elsevier, Taylor & Francis, 80(9), :1121-29, 2003
34. M Abdul Mannan, and M. KaykobadBlock Huffman CodingComputers and Mathematics with Applications, Elsevier, 46(10-11), :1581-87, 2003
33. Mustaq Ahmed, Rezaul Alam Chowdhury , and M. KaykobadA New String Matching AlgorithmInternational Journal of Computer Mathematics, Taylor & Francis, 80(7), :825-834, 2003
32. M Manzur Murshed, M. Kaykobad, and SM Rahman, A Linguistically Sortable Bengali Coding System and Its Applications in Spell Checking – A Case Study of Multilingual ApplicationsInteractive Multimedia Systems, Idea Group Publishing Company, 2002
31. RA Chowdhury, MZ Rahman, and M. KaykobadOn the bounds of min-max pair heap constructionComputers and Mathematics with Applications, Elsevier, 43:911-916, 2002
30. F Ahmed, MS Alam, and M. KaykobadData Storage and RecordingInstrumentation and Measurement, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2001
29. Rezaul Alam Chowdhury, Suman Kumar Nath, and M. KaykobadA Simplified Complexity Analysis of McDiarmid and Reed s Variant of Bottom-up Heapsort AlgorithmInternational Journal of Computer Mathematics, Elsevier, 73:293-297, 2000
28. Rezaul Alam Chowdhury, Suman Kumar Nath, and M. KaykobadThe Heap Merge SortComputer & Mathematics with Applications, Elsevier, 39(7-8), :194-97, 2000
27. Suman Kumar Nath, Rezaul Alam Chowdhury, and M. KaykobadOn average edge length of minimum spanning treesInformation Processing Letters, Elsevier, 70(5), :241-243, 1999
26. Rezaul Alam Chowdhury, and M. KaykobadCalculating the Square Root with Arbitrary Order of ConvergenceInternational Journal of Computer Mathematics, Taylor & Francis, 75:297-302, 1999
25. M. Kaykobad, S.M. Humayun , and Md. Shahid Ullah, An Approach to Bangla Text AnalysisJournal of Electrical Engineering, The Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh, EE26(I & II), :39-42, 1998
24. M.M. Murshed , and M. KaykobadLinguistically Sortable Bengali Texts: a Case Study of Multilingual Applications, in Effective Utilization and Management of Emerging Information TechnologiesInformation Resources Management Association International Conference, Idea Grouping Publishing, :795-798, 1998
23. M. Kaykobad, S.M. Humayun , and Md. Shahid Ullah, Comparative Study of Different Compression AlgorithmsJournal of Electrical Engineering, The Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh, EE26:27-32, 1998
22. A.F.R. Rahman , and M. KaykobadA Complete Bengali OCR : A Novel Hybrid Approach to Handwritten Bengali Character RecognitionJournal of Computing and Information Technolog, 6(4), :395-413, 1998
21. Rezaul Alam Chowdhury, Md. Sanaul Hoque , and M. KaykobadMode-finding algorithms revisitedInternational Journal of Computer Mathematics, Taylor & Francis, 69:253-263, 1998
20. M. Kaykobad, M.M. Islam, M.M. Murshed , and E. Amyeen, 3 is a more promising algorithmic parameter than 2Computers and Mathematics with Applications, Elsevier Science, 36(6), :19-24, 1998
19. M. Kaykobad, Md. Sanaul Hoque, Md. Mostofa Akbar, and Suman Kumar Nath, An Efficient Preprocessor for Solving Systems of Linear EquationsInternational Journal of Computer Mathematics, Taylor & Francis, 64:309-315, 1997
18. M.M. Murshed , and M. KaykobadSeek distances in two-headed disk systemsInformation Processing Letters, Elsevier, 57(4), :205-209, 1996
17. M. Kaykobad, and A.A.K. Majumdar, An iterative algorithm for the 5-peg tower of Hanoi problemJ. of Bangladesh Academy of Sciences, 20(2), :119-128, 1996
16. M. Kaykobad, and Md. Shahadatullah Khan, On the performance of simplex algorithmIPE Research Bulletin, 6:39-57, 1995
15. M. Kaykobad, S.T. Rahman, R.A. Bakhtiar , and A.A.K. Majumdar, A recursive algorithm for the multi-peg tower of Hanoi problemInternational Journal of Computer Mathematics, Taylor & Francis, 57:67-73, 1995
14. M. Kaykobad, Q.N.U. Ahmed, ATM Shafiqul Khalid, and R.A. Bakhtiar, A new algorithm for ranking players of a round-robin tournamentInternational Journal of Computers and Operations Research, Elsevier, 22(2), :221-226, 1995
13. M. Kaykobad, and H.M. Hassan, An algorithm for designing Boolean functions with exclusive-or(EX-OR) & AND logic elementsJournal of Bangladesh Computer Society, 6(1), :49-51, 1993
12. M. Kaykobad, and H.M. Hassan, Minimization procedure for determination of polarized polynomial formJournal of Bangladesh Computer Society, 6(1), :27-29, 1993
11. M. Kaykobad, Q.N.U. Ahmed , and R.A. Bakhtiar, An algorithm for ranking players in a round-robin tournamentJ. of Bangladesh Computer Society, 5(1), :20-21, 1991
10. M.H. Ahsan, M. Kaykobad, and M. Shamsher Ali, Variational Monte Carlo calculations for the binding energy of 31 SiPhysical Review C, 43(1), :156-161, 1991
9. M. KaykobadTowers of Hanoi with 4 pegsJournal of Bangladesh Academy of Sciences, 13:85-90, 1989
8. M. KaykobadOn polytopes with large number of verticesGanit, 8(1), :47-52, 1988
7. M. KaykobadOn non-negative factorization of matricesLinear Algebra and Its Applications, 96:27-33, 1987
6. M. KaykobadPositive solutions of positive linear systemsLinear Algebra and Its Applications, 64:133-140, 1985
5. M. KaykobadPositive solutions of a class of linear systemsLinear Algebra and Its Applications, 72:97-105, 1985
4. V.Z. Ananina , and M. KaykobadGeneralized model of optimum usage of technical resources of a portEconomics and Management of Marine Transport, 16:56-58, 1980
3. I.P. Tarasova , and M. KaykobadOn the method of solving the tasks of optimum planning in conditions of incomplete informationEconomics and Management of Marine Transport, 14:25-30, 1978
2. M. Kaykobad, and FJM Salzborn, The Minimum Connection Time and Majority Spanning TreesDiscrete Applied Mathematics,
1. Tasadduq Imam, and M. KaykobadNew Symbolic Substitution Based Addition AlgorithmInternational Journal of Computers and Mathematics with Applications, Elsevier, 50:1303-1310,
  •   Conference Papers:
83. Mohammad Saifur Rahman, Md. Yusuf Sarwar Uddin, M. Sohel Rahman, and M. KaykobadUsing Adaptive Heartbeat rate on Long-lived TCP Connections. In Proceedings of 2016 International Conference on Networking Systems and Security (NSysS 2016), IEEE, Dhaka, pages 16-24, 2016 [paper link].
82. M. A. Wahid, M. Kaykobad, and Masud Hasan, Kinetisation of view of 3D point set. In Proceedings of International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (ICCIT), Dhaka,Bangladesh, pages 325-330, 2010
81. N. M. M. K. Chowdhury, Md. Mostofa Akbar, and M. KaykobadAn Efficient Data Structure using Flash Memory for Mobile Devices. In Proceedings of in the proceedings of WALCOM 2007, Dhaka, pages 76-87, 2007
80. Md Shahjalal , and M. KaykobadA New Data Structure for Heapsort with Improved Number of Comparisons. In Proceedings of Workshop on Algorithms and Computation (WALCOM 2007), Dhaka, pages 88-96, 2007
79. N.M. Mosharaf Kabir Chowdhury , Md. Mostofa Akbar, and M. KaykobadDiskTrie: An Efficient Data Structure Using Flash Memory for Mobile De. In Proceedings of Workshop on Algorithms and Computation (WALCOM 2007), Dhaka, pages 76-87, 2007
78. M. Sohel Rahman, M. Kaykobad, and Mohammad Saifur Rahman, A New Sufficient Condition for the Existence of Hamiltonian Paths. In Proceedings of 0th International Conference on Computers and Their Applications (CATA), 2005
77. Asif-ul Haque, Mohammad Saifur Rahman, Mehedi Bakht, and M. KaykobadDrawing Lines by Uniform Packing. In Proceedings of International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (ICCIT), pages 186-190, 2004
76. M. Sohel Rahman, and M. KaykobadSet Version: A New Notion and Results (Conference. In Proceedings of Proceedings of the Information Society, 2004, 7th Multi-Conference, Sub-conference: Theoretical Computer Science, 2004
75. M. Sohel Rahman, and M. KaykobadSet Version: A New Notion and Results. In Proceedings of Information Society, 2004, 7th Multi-Conference, Sub-conference: Theoretical Computer Science, Slovenija, 2004
74. M. Sohel Rahman, M. Kaykobad, and Md. Mostofa Akbar, Independence Number and Hamiltonicity of Graphs (Conference. In Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (ICCIT), pages 150-152, 2003
73. M. Sohel Rahman, and M. KaykobadOn Hamiltonian Cycles and Hamiltonian Paths (Conference. In Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (ICCIT), pages 185-187, 2003
72. SM Niaz Arifin , Lenin Mehedy , and M. KaykobadSegmented Display for Bangla Numerals: Simplicity vs. Accuracy. In Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (ICCIT), 2003
71. M. Sohel Rahman, M. Kaykobad, and Md. Mostofa Akbar, Independence Number and Hamiltonicity of Graphs. In Proceedings of Computer and Information Technology (ICCIT), pages 150-152, 2003
70. T. Imam , and M. KaykobadA New Symbolic Substitution Based Approach for the conversion of binary numbers to CMSD numbers. In Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (ICCIT), pages 170-173, 2003
69. T. Imam , and M. KaykobadNew Symbolic Substitution Tables and Algorithms for the design of a fast addition unit. In Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (ICCIT), pages 98-103, 2003
68. M. Kaykobad, P Prometheus Mitra , and I. King , An Improvement to MST Algorithm for Round-Robin Tournament Ranking. In Proceedings of International Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, pages 281-283, 2002
67. M. Kaykobad, and M. Sohel Rahman, On Spanning Trees with restricted Number of Leaves. In Proceedings of International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, pages 53-54, 2002
66. M. Kaykobad, Asif-ul Haque , Mohammad Saifur Rahman, and M. Sohel Rahman, On Average Length of Cycle in a Complete Graph. In Proceedings of International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, pages 47-49, 2002
65. M. Kaykobad, and Ragib Hasan , On Calculation of Optimal Paths in Locally Restorable Bandwidth Constrained Routing in MPLS Networks. In Proceedings of International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, pages 327-331, 2002
64. M. Kaykobad, and Md Tamjidul Hoque , Coding System for Bangla Spell Checke. In Proceedings of International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, pages 186-190, 2002
63. M. Kaykobad, and Md Tamjidul Hoque , Use of Phonetic Similarity Property for Bangla Spell Checker. In Proceedings of International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, pages 182-185, 2002
62. M. Kaykobad, Md Mahbubul Amin Majumder , and ASM Obaidul Haque , Graceful Labelling of Complete Binary Trees. In Proceedings of International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, pages 32-35, 2002
61. A. H. Tamal, M. S. Rahman, M. Sohel Rahman, and M. KaykobadOn Average Length of Cycles in Complete Graphs. In Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (ICCIT), pages 47-49, 2002
60. M. Kaykobad, and RA Chowdhury, Sorting using heap structure. In Proceedings of Proceedings of International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, 2000, pages 26-30, 2001
59. M. Kaykobad, and SK Nath, A simple linear time algorithm for triangulation of a simple polygon. In Proceedings of Proceedings of International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, 2000, pages 17-20, 2001
58. M. Kaykobad, PP Mitra, and R. Hasan, A linear time algorithm for single source shortest path problem. In Proceedings of Proceedings of International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, 2000, pages 41-43, 2001
57. M. Kaykobad, Md. Mostofa Akbar, and S. Hadian, Fault tolerance of distributed multimedia system using quality adaptation. In Proceedings of Proceedings of International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, 2000, pages 55-59, 2001
56. M. Kaykobad, Shahriar Manzoor, and Munirul Abedin, On optimal keyboard layout. In Proceedings of Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, 2000, pages 21-25, 2001
55. M. Kaykobad, SK Nath, and FJM Salzborn, The minimum connection time problem. In Proceedings of International Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, pages 302-306, 2001
54. M. Kaykobad, RA Chowdhury , and I. King , An efficient decoding technique for Huffman codes. In Proceedings of International Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, pages 300-301, 2001
53. M. Kaykobad, M Ahmed , and RA Chowdhury , On partitioning of consecutive integers. In Proceedings of International Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, pages 297-299, 2001
52. M. Kaykobad, R Ahmed , and MA Hossain , Isomorphism of regular graphs. In Proceedings of International Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, pages 290-296, 2001
51. M. Kaykobad, RA Chowdhury , MZ Rahman , and N Mahmood , On the expected number of probes in AVL trees. In Proceedings of International Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, pages 281-283, 2001
50. Sawsan Eskander, Mustaq Ahmed, and M. KaykobadCompression using Huffman Coding Techniques. In Proceedings of ICCIT2001, pages 278-282, 2001
49. Abul Kashem Md. Shirin, and M. KaykobadQuery Optimization by Decomposition of BCNF/3NF Relations. In Proceedings of ICCIT2001, pages 179-184, 2001
48. M. Abdul Mannan, and M. KaykobadOn Optimal Huffman Compression. In Proceedings of ICCIT2001, pages 60-61, 2001
47. Mohammad Abdul Mannan, Rezaul Alam Chowdhury, and M. KaykobadA Storage Efficient Header for Huffman Coding. In Proceedings of ICCIT2001, pages 57-59, 2001
46. Mushfiqur Rouf, and M. KaykobadSearching Objects on Lines and Rays. In Proceedings of ICCIT2001, pages 13-15, 2001
45. Pradipta Prometheus Mitra, Ragib Hasan, and M. KaykobadOn Linear Time Algorithm for SSP Problem. In Proceedings of ICCIT2001, pages 9-12, 2001
44. Adib Hassan Manob, and M. KaykobadStirling Numbers and Two Inversion Formulas. In Proceedings of ICCIT2001, pages 6-8, 2001
43. M. Kaykobad, M.M. Murshed, Syed M. Rahman, and S.M. Rahman, A linguistically Sortable Coding System and Its Applications in Spell Checking: A Case Study of Multilingual Applications. In Proceedings of Proceedings of the 24th AMSE Annual Conference, Best Western Hotel, Leesburg, Virginia, USA, 1999
42. M. Kaykobad, Md. Mostofa Akbar, and M. Mamunul Islam, Quicksort Using Higher Degree Comparators. In Proceedings of IASTED Conference on Simulation and Modeling, 1999, Philadelphia, 1999
41. A.K.M. Ashikur Rahman, and M. KaykobadA new map method for minimizing Boolean Expressions. In Proceedings of International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 1999
40. M. Kaykobad, and A.K.M. Ashikur Rahman, A new map method for minimizing Boolean Expression. In Proceedings of Proceedings of International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, pages 193-196, 1999
39. M. Kaykobad, Rezaul Alam Chowdhury, and Mustaq Ahmed, A new exact string matching algorithm. In Proceedings of Proceedings of International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, pages 187-192, 1999
38. M. Kaykobad, Rezaul Alam Chowdhury, Tarique Mesbaul Islam, and Suman Kumar Nath, On parameters of search trees. In Proceedings of Proceedings of International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, pages 50-53, 1999
37. M. Kaykobad, Suman Kumar Nath, Rezaul Alam Chowdhury, and Mustaq Ahmed, Algorithms for solving systems of linear equations. In Proceedings of Proceedings of International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, pages 33-36, 1999
36. M. Kaykobad, Md. Mostofa Akbar, and M. Mamunul Islam, Quick sort using comparators with higher degree. In Proceedings of Proceedings of International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, pages 28-32, 1999
35. M. Kaykobad, Tarique Mesbaul Islam, and Rezaul Alam Chowdhury, On Optimal d-Huffman Tree. In Proceedings of Proceedings of International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, pages 23-27, 1999
34. M. Kaykobad, Rezaul Alam Chowdhury, and Sumon Kumar Nath, On some issues related To LP Problem. In Proceedings of Proceedings of International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, pages 15-18, 1999
33. M. Kaykobad, Suman Kumar Nath, and Rezaul Alam Chowdhury, Min-Max Fine Heaps. In Proceedings of Proceedings of International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, pages 6-10, 1999
32. M. Kaykobad, M. Ziaur Rahman, and Rezaul Alam Chowdhury, Improvements in double ended priority queues. In Proceedings of Proceedings of International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, pages 1-5, 1999
31. M. Kaykobad, Md. Mostofa Akbar, A. K. M. Azad, and F. J. M. Salzborn, Complexity of Max Cut on Special Graphs. In Proceedings of International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, pages 28-32, 1998
30. M. Kaykobad, and A.K.M. Azad, Differential Sort(D-Sort):A Subtraction-Based Sorting Algorithm. In Proceedings of An International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, pages 234-238, 1998
29. M. Kaykobad, and Tarique Mesbaul Islam, Worst-Case Analysis of Generalized Heapsort Algorithm Revisited. In Proceedings of An International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, pages 224-228, 1998
28. M. Kaykobad, and A.K.M. Ashikur Rahman, Minimizing Area Cost of On-Chip Cache Memories. In Proceedings of An International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, pages 63-68, 1998
27. M. Kaykobad, Suman Kumar Nath, and Rezaul Alam Chowdhury, On Some Classes of Spanning Trees. In Proceedings of An International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, pages 42-44, 1998
26. M. Kaykobad, Suman Kumar Nath, M. Mamunul Islam, F.J.M. Salzborn, and M.M. Murshed, Majority Spanning Trees and Their Applications. In Proceedings of An International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, pages 33-36, 1998
25. M. Kaykobad, Md. Mostofa Akbar, A.K.M. Azad , and F.J.M. Salzborn, Complexity of Max-Cut on Special Graphs. In Proceedings of An International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, pages 28-32, 1998
24. M. Kaykobad, A.F.R. Rahman, and Md. Abdus Sattar, A novel hybrid approach to handwritten Bangla character recognition. In Proceedings of Proc. International Conference on Computational Linguistics, speech and Document Processing,, Calcutta, India, pages A5-A10, 1998
23. A.K.M. Ashikur Rahman, and M. KaykobadSeek time in replicated two-headed disk systems. In Proceedings of National Conference on Computer and Information Systems, Dhaka, Bangladesh., pages 15-20, 1997
22. M. Z. Rahman, S. Ghosh, Md. Mostofa Akbar, M. Kaykobad, and M. M. Murshed, Divide and Conquer Approach to Solving System of Linear Equations. In Proceedings of First National Conference on Computer and Information Systems,, Dhaka, Bangladesh, pages 7-12, 1997
21. M. Kaykobad, Nazmul Haque, and Syed M. Rahman, Retrieval Effectiveness of Thumbnail Transformation. In Proceedings of National Conference on Computer and Information Systems, pages 167-172, 1997
20. M. Kaykobad, and A.K.M. Azad, A Variation of MergeSort Algorithm Requiring Fewer Comparisons. In Proceedings of National Conference on Computer and Information Systems, pages 52-57, 1997
19. M. Kaykobad, Rezaul Alam Chowdhury, and Md. Abdul Hakim, An Iterative Method for Calculating the Square Root with Arbitrary Order of Convergence. In Proceedings of National Conference on Computer and Information Systems, pages 48-51, 1997
18. M. Kaykobad, Rezaul Alam Chowdhury, and Tarique Mesbaul Islam, On Merging Two Heaps. In Proceedings of National Conference on Computer and Information Systems, pages 44-47, 1997
17. M. Kaykobad, Rezaul Alam Chowdhury, and Md. Ziaur Rahman, Improvement in Mode-Finding Algorithms. In Proceedings of National Conference on Computer and Information Systems, pages 32-37, 1997
16. M. Kaykobad, and Suman Kumar Nath, An Algorithm for Ranking Objects with Weight. In Proceedings of National Conference on Computer and Information Systems, pages 21-26, 1997
15. M. Kaykobad, and A.K.M. Ashikur Rahman, Seek Time in Replicated Two Headed Disk Systems. In Proceedings of National Conference on Computer and Information Systems, pages 15-20,1-6, 1997
14. M. Kaykobad, M. Ziaur Rahman, Md. Mostofa Akbar, and M. Manzur Murshed, Divide and Conquer Approach in Solving System of Linear Equations. In Proceedings of National Conference on Computer and Information Systems, pages 7-12, 1997
13. M. Kaykobad, and S. Masum Emran, A New Approach to Solving the Closest-Pair Problem. In Proceedings of National Conference on Computer and Information Systems, pages 1-6, 1997
12. M. Kaykobad, and ATM Shafiqul Khalid, An Efficient Line Algorithm. In Proceedings of 39th Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Iowa State University, Arnes, Iowa, USA, pages 1280-1282, 1996
11. M. KaykobadA New Algorithm for Systems of Linear Equations. In Proceedings of Tenth Mathematics Conference, Bangladesh Mathematical Society, 1995
10. M. KaykobadGeometry in Solving Systems of Linear Equations. In Proceedings of first International Congress on Muslim Youths and Scholars Innovations and Creative Works, Tehran, Iran, 1995
9. M. Kaykobad, Mahboob Hasan Chowdhury , and S.M.M.R. Chowdhury, On Optimization of Arithmetic Computation. In Proceedings of 15th Annual Bangladesh Science Conference, pages 92-96, 1990
8. M. Kaykobad, S.M. Humayun, and Syed Mahbubur Rahman, Standard Static Huffman Code for Bangla Alphabet. In Proceedings of 15th Annual Bangladesh Science Conference, pages 85-88, 1990
7. M. Kaykobad, Ram Krishna Talukder , and M. Musa, A VS FORTRAN Code for Simplex Algorithm Using Column Generation Technique. In Proceedings of 14th Annual Bangladesh Science Conference, pages 59-61, 1989
6. M. Kaykobad, and M. Musa, On the Average performance of the Heapsort. In Proceedings of 14th Annual Bangladesh Science Conference, pages 14, 1989
5. M. Kaykobad, and M.A. Shaheed, Some Techniques for Representing and Operating on Sparse Matrices. In Proceedings of 14th Annual Bangladesh Science Conference, pages 14, 1989
4. M. Kaykobad, and M. Farhad Hossain, On Nonnegative Factorization of a Class of Matrices. In Proceedings of 13th Annual Bangladesh Science Conference, pages 19, 1988
3. M. Kaykobad, Ram Krishna Talukder, and M. Musa, An MIP Model for Transportation Problems Using Subgraph Selection. In Proceedings of 13th Annual Bangladesh Science Conference, pages 19-20, 1988
2. M. Kaykobad, Ziaul Hasan Masum, and M. Musa, On Graceful Labelling of Trees. In Proceedings of 13th Annual Bangladesh Science Conference, pages 21, 1988
1. M. KaykobadAn Algorithm for Towers of Hanoi with p>=3 Pegs. In Proceedings of 14th Annual Bangladesh Science Conference,

Algorithms, Computational Complexity and Optimization

    1. Deputy Leader, Bangladesh Team for IOI 2013 held at Brisbane during July 2013.
    2. Was invited to the prestigious 2nd Heidelberg Laureate Forum of Turing award winners and Fields medallists during September 21-26, 2014 in Germany

Onsite Coach BUET Team to the World Finals of ACM ICPC held at Ekaterinburg, Russia, during June, 2014.

    1. Visiting Professor at Amritapuri University, Kerala, India during December, 2013.
    2. Recipient of Senior Coach Award at the World Finals of ACM ICPC held at St Petersburg, Russia in July, 2013.
    3. Recipient of Coach Award at the World Finals of ACM ICPC held at Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, in 2002.
    4. Leader, Bangladesh Team for IOI 2012 held at Sirmionne-Montichiari, Italy during September 2012.
    5. Coach BUET Team to the World Finals of ACM ICPC held at Warsaw, Poland in May 2012.
    6. Deputy Leader, Bangladesh Team for IOI 2012 held at Pattaya, Thailand during August, 2011.
    7. Coach BUET Team to the World Finals of ACM ICPC held at Orlando, Florida, USA during May 2011.
    8. Leader, Bangladesh Team for IOI 2012 held at Waterloo, Canada during August 2010.
    9. Coach BUET Team to the World Finals of ACM ICPC held at Harbin, China during February, 2010.
    10. Leader, Bangladesh Team for IOI 2009 held at Plovdiv, BUlgaria during August 8-15.
    11. Coach BUET Team to the World Finals of ACM ICPC held at KTH, Stockholm, Sweden during April 2009.
    12. Fellow of Bangladesh Academy of Sciences, the highest academic association in Bangladesh<\b>.

Organizing Chair of the first ever International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, 1998<\b>.

Director, ACM ICPC Asia Region Dhaka Site, 2001, 2002, 2003.

Leader of the first ever team to participate in the International Olympiad in Informatics to be held at Athens, Greece during September 11-18, 2004.

Leader of the IOI team to be participating in IOI2005 to be held at NOwy Sacz, Poland during 18-25 August, 2005.

Information Technology in National Development, Keynote speaker at Symposium of the 25th Science and Information and Communication Technology Week, Osmany Smrity Milonayaton, June 23, 2003.

Keynote Speaker at 30th Anniversary of Bangladesh Mathematical Society, 26 December, 2002.

Role of Scientific and Technological Information for Promotion of Research and Socio-economic Development of Bangladesh, Keynote Speaker at National Scientific Information and Documentation Day-2002, BANSDOC, June 13, 2002.

Information Technology in National Development, speaker at Symposium of the Workshop on “The emerging role of science and information and communication technology in the Bangladesh development Context, BCSIR, June 25, 2002.

Keynote Speaker in the International Conference ICCIT2000 held at NSU during 25-26 January, 2001.

Invited Speaker at the First UNESCO Regional Workshop on Application of Mathematics, held at Bahawalpur, Pakistan, 1989.

Participated as a Resource Person in Workshop on Science Communication sponsored by COSTED and UNESCO held at Goa during 18-23 November, 2001.

Visiting Professor at CSE Department of The Chinese University of Hong Kong during July 04-20, 2001.

Visiting Professor at CSE Department of The Chinese University of Hong Kong during July 04-20, 2000.

Director, Chittagong Stock Exchange.

Director, Dhaka Stock Exchange.

Awarded Gold medal for contribution in computer education and co-curricular activities by Bangladesh Computer Society.

  1. Coach of the BUET Team that occupied 27th position among 73 finalist teams in the World Finals of the ACM ICPC held at Prague, The Czech Republic on 30 March, 2004.
  2. Successfully organized ACM ICPC Asia Regional Dhaka Site Programming Contest during November 12-13, 2002. This is one the nine sites around Asia, and one of 29 sites throughout the globe. Students from BUET have qualified for the World Finals at Prague, The Czech Republic, during March 26-April 1, 2004 for the seventh time in a row.
  3. Coach of the BUET team at World Finals of ACM ICPC held at Beverly Hills, California during March 22-26, 2003.
  4. Successfully organized ACM ICPC Asia Regional Dhaka Site Programming Contest during November 9-10. This is one the eight sites around Asia, and one of 29 sites throughout the globe. Students from BUET have qualified for the World Finals at Hawaii during March 20-24, 2002 for 5 times in a row.
  5. Coach of the BUET team at World Finals of ACM ICPC held at Honolulu, Hawaii during March 22-25, 2002.
  6. Recognized as the best coach of ACM ICPC by IBM at 26th World Finals of ACM ICPC at Honolulu, Hawaii on 22nd March, 2002.
  7. Coach of the BUET team that occupied 29th position among 64 teams at World Finals of ACM ICPC held at Vancouver, Canada during March 7-11, 2001 in their 4th consecutive appearance in the World Finals.
  8. Coach of the BUET team to be participating in the ACM ICPC World Finals to be held during March 15-19, 2000 at Orlando, Florida, USA in the third consecutive appearance.
  9. Led the BUET Computer Programming Team to occupy 11th position in the World Finals of the ACM ICPC Programming Contest held at Orlando Florida during March 15-19. BUET team’s performance was favourable against teams from MIT, Stanford, Harvard, Carnegie Mellon and other famous universities. In this 24th World Finals of ACM ICPC 60 best teams were selected from 1,968 teams of 1,041 universities of 69 countries on 6 continents.
  10. Participated in the World Finals second times in a row of ACM ICPC held at Technical University of Eindhoven, March 1999.
  11. Participated in the World Finals of ACM ICPC Programming Contest held at Atlanta, USA in February 1998, where BUET team occupied 24th position among 54 teams tying with Stanford University.
  12. Led BUET teams to occupy 7 of the top 10 prize winning positions at ACM ICPC Asia Region Dhaka Site in 2003.
  13. Led BUET team to occupy second position in ACM ICPC Asia Region Kanpur Site held at Kolkata during October, 2003.
  14. Led BUET teams to occupy most of the top 10 prize winning positions at ACM ICPC Asia Region Dhaka Site in 2002.
  15. Led BUET Team to 6th position in the Asia Region Taejon-Seoul ACM ICPC, 2001.
  16. Led BUET Team to 1st and 3rd positions in ACM ICPC Asia Regional IIT Kanpur Site Contest participated by 69 countries including multiple teams from each IIT. Qualified for the fourth time for the World Finals to be held at Vancouver, Canada during March 7-11, 2001.
  17. Led BUET teams to occupy 2nd, 3rd and 4th positions at ACM ICPC Asia Region Dhaka Site in 2000.
  18. Led teams of BUET to occupy 2nd, 3rd and 4th positions in the ACM ICPC Asia Region Dhaka Site Contest 1999.
  19. Coached the team to championship in the ACM ICPC Asia Region Kanpur Site Contest, 1999.
  20. Coached students of CSE Dept., BUET to obtain 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and other top positions in the Asia Region Dhaka Site ACM ICPC participated by Srilanka, Iran and Indian Universities, November 1998.
  21. Coached students of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology to capture the 1st, 3rd and 4th positions in the Asia Regional Dhaka Site Contest of the ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest held in November 1997.
  22. Coached students of CSE Department, BUET to earn 9 of the ten prizes in National Programming Contest, August 1998.
  23. Organizing Mathematics Olympiad for school and college students in Bangladesh since 2003.
  24. Former Advisor, BUET Chess Club.
  25. Former Moderator, Satyen Bose Club.
  26. During the last 10 years I have been able to lead undergraduate students of CSE Department to publish 40 papers in reputed international journals.
  27. Written numerous articles(over two hundred) in national dailies (The Prothom Alo, The Bhorer Kagoz, The Daily Star, The Independent, The Observer, The Ittefaq) in computer magazines (The Computer Jagat, The Computer Bichitra, The Computer Barta etc.) and numerous essays in edited books highlighting problems and prospects of computerization, on our education system and other issues of national importance.