+8801708503510 (Deputy Registrar, Acad)
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Bangladesh Army University of Engineering & Technology
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
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Aroni Saha Prapty


Aroni Saha Prapty


Dept. of CSE

Profile Details

01 M.Sc Engg. in  Computer Science and Engineering (Pursuing)

Khulna University of Engineering & Technology

Degree awarded in —

02 B.Sc Engg. in  Computer Science and Engineering

Khulna University of Engineering & Technology

Degree awarded in 2020

S/L Position & Institution Term of Employment
From To Total
01 Lecturer

Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Bangladesh Army University of Engineering & Technology (BAUET), Qadirabad Cantonment, Natore-6431, Rajshahi, Bangladesh.


15 March,



Natural Language Processing
Machine Learning

S/N Description of the Accomplishment
01  HSC

Talentpool Scholarship; Achieved 3rd position in Rajshahi board among girls




General grade Scholarship




Talentpool Scholarship



Primary Scholarship

Talentpool Scholarship

05 National Girls Programming Contest – 2018

Position: 16th

06 Best Dinning Manager

Rokeya Hall, KUET

07 2nd in Memory Game

Indoor game , Rokeya Hall, KUET

08 Deans Award in 3rd year, CSE, KUET


S/N Subject of Training Institution Time & Place
01 Method of Instructions (MoI) for Effective Class Management


Bangladesh Army University of Engineering & Technology (BAUET), Qadirabad Cantonment, Natore-6431, Rajshahi,


15-16 March 2020.
02 GrassHopper Girls Programming Camp Khulna University of Engineering & Technology, Khulna-9203 16 April, 2016.
03 Women Techmaker Bangladesh North Western University, Khulna-9203 April,2018
S/N Description of the Project
01  Restaurant Menu App

Android Application

Contain all the menus and location can be found through map.

02 SGIPC (Special Group Interested in Programming Contest)

Website Development

A website for programming community where user can create account, upload file, update information, password and picture, delete information, download file and admin handle all the information.

03 Phone Call Management System


It contains all the information about the user of 3 kinds of SIM and can query for which person calls the other persons using which SIM number, duration of call, call cost

04 Smart Door Locking System

Hardware Project

Smart home system that home can be unlocked by authorized user otherwise massage will be sent to the authority

05 Simple Compiler


Simple compiler is made using bison and flex

06 Mini OS

Linux Based

A kernel is created and it can handle some commands

07 Budget Tracker and Weather App

IOS Application

Calculate all type of cost and savings and show the weather update.

08 GK Quiz

Android App

Contains text, image and video type question with timer and mail will be sent with valid admin to set the question

09 Snacks Time

AI Game

Card game between computer and human