+8801708503510 (Deputy Registrar, Acad)
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Bangladesh Army University of Engineering & Technology
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
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Ananya Sarker

Assistant Professor & Head

Ananya Sarker

Assistant Professor & Head

Dept. of CSE

Profile Details

01 M.Sc. Engg in Computer Science & Engineering

Rajshahi University of Engineering & Technology

Degree awarded in 2020

02 B.Sc. Engg in Computer Science & Engineering

Rajshahi University of Engineering & Technology

Degree awarded in 2014

S/L Position & Institution Term of Employment
From To Total
01 Sr.Lecturer, CSE, BAUET 01/12/2018 Present
02 Lecturer, CSE, BAUET 01/02/2015 30/11/2018 3 Years 9 Months
03 Lecturer, CSE, Varendra University 25/02/2014 31/01/2015 1 Year
S/N Description of the Publication (Conference)
01 Title: A Comprehensive Pre-processing Approach for High-Performance Classification of Twitter Data with several Machine Learning Algorithms

Authors: Ananya Sarkar, Rabiul Islam & Azmain Yakin Srizon

Conference Name and Publisher: IEEE TENSYMP 2020, IEEE

Organized By: IEEE Region 10 Symposium

Time & Place: 5-7 June 2020, Hotel Pan Pacific Sonargaon, Dhaka, Bangladesh

02 Title: Implementation of Principal Component Analysis on Masked and Non-masked Face Recognition.


Conference Name & Publisher: 1st International Conference on Advances in Science, Engineering and Robotics Technology (ICASERT), IEEE.

Organized By: IEEE

Time & Place: 3-5 May 2019

S/N Description of the Publication (Journal)
01 Title: Twitter Data Classification by Applying and Comparing Multiple Machine Learning Techniques.

Authors: Ananya Sarker, Md. Shahid Uz Zaman, Md. Azmain Yakin Srizon

Journal Name & Publisher: International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer Science & Technology(IJIRCST)

Organized by: Innovative research Publication.

Time & place: November, 2019

02 Title: Employee’s Performance Analysis and Prediction using K-Means Clustering & Decision Tree Algorithm

Authors: Ananya Sarker, S.M. Shamim, Dr. Md. Shahiduz Zama & Md. Mustafizur Rahman

Journal Name & Publisher: Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology: C Software & Data Engineering , Global Journals

Organized By: Global Journals

Time & Place: July, 2018

03 Title: Simulation of Minimum Path Estimation in Software Defined Networking Using Mininet Emulator.


Journal Name & Publisher: British Journal of Mathematics & Computer Science

Organized By: British Journal

Time & Place: April, 2017

Machine Learning, Data Mining, Text Mining Deep Learning, Image Processing

S/N Description of the Accomplishment
01 Achieved University Academic Scholarship
02 Achieved Scholarship in Higher Secondary and Secondary Examination for Good Academic Result



S/N Subject of Training Institution Time & Place
01 Method of Instruction


Bangladesh Army University of

Engineering & Technology


November, 2016, BAUET
02 Method of Instruction


Bangladesh Army University of

Engineering & Technology


April, 2015, BAUET

Membership of Professional Committee

S/L Position & Institution Term of Employment
From To Total
01 Associate Member,IEB 2016 Present


S/N Description of the Project
01  Geometric Curve Generator

Language : C

Environment : Turbo C, Graphics

02 Online Shopping Mall

Language : PHP, Javascript, css

Environment: Netbeans IDE, Cross-platform