Sl. No.

Research Topic

1. Public perceptions of the impact of sugar mill effluents on the environment surrounding the sugar mill area.
2. Physio-chemical parameters of surface water: A case study of Dayarampur union, Natore.
3. Exploring bamboo leaf ash as a supplementary cementitious material for enhanced performance in construction materials.
4. Analysis of patterns of particulate matter changes in the ambient air of Bonpara, Natore.
5. Strengthening of RCC beam at shear region using carbon fiber reinforced polymer.
6. Signal design of four-legged intersection by using Webster method at fire service mor, Rajshahi, Bangladesh.
7. Physio-chemical assessment of surface (River) and groundwater in natore city.
8. Assessing the potential of sugar mill waste ash as a green pozzolanic additive in concrete.
9. Effect of using demolished RCC & bricks masonry building’s waste materials as filler in bituminous mix design.
10. Exploring rice husk ash as a supplementary cementitious material for enhanced performance in construction materials.