Geotechnical Engineering Laboratory

Soil Testing is an integral part of soil mechanics and foundation engineering. A proper evaluation of soil samples and analysis of test results is essential for students and practicing civil Engineers.

Financed by:  BAUET own fund

Room No.: 102 (Nexus)

List of major equipment in the Geotech Laboratory:

  1.             152H Hydrometer
  2.             Digital Thermometer
  3.             Cutting Knives + spatulas + sample splitters
  4.             Drying Oven
  5.             Pycnometer (Volumetric Bottle)
  6.             Hot plate
  7.             Desiccator
  8.             Evaporating Dishes
  9.             Motorized liquid Limit Device (Casagrande Apparatus)
  10.             Digital Standard Proctor Compaction Device
  11.             Modified Proctor (Hammer & Mold)
  12.             Universal Soil sample Extruder
  13.             Digital Direct shear device
  14.             Digital Unconfined Compression device
  15.             Digital Consolidation device
  16.             Drying Oven
  17.             Cutting Knives + spatulas + sample splitters
  18.             A standard set of sieves
  19.             Sieve Shaker