Geotechnical Engineering Laboratory
Soil Testing is an integral part of soil mechanics and foundation engineering. A proper evaluation of soil samples and analysis of test results is essential for students and practicing civil Engineers.
Financed by: BAUET own fund
Room No.: 102 (Nexus)
List of major equipment in the Geotech Laboratory:
- 152H Hydrometer
- Digital Thermometer
- Cutting Knives + spatulas + sample splitters
- Drying Oven
- Pycnometer (Volumetric Bottle)
- Hot plate
- Desiccator
- Evaporating Dishes
- Motorized liquid Limit Device (Casagrande Apparatus)
- Digital Standard Proctor Compaction Device
- Modified Proctor (Hammer & Mold)
- Universal Soil sample Extruder
- Digital Direct shear device
- Digital Unconfined Compression device
- Digital Consolidation device
- Drying Oven
- Cutting Knives + spatulas + sample splitters
- A standard set of sieves
- Sieve Shaker