List of EEE Laboratories and Location

Electronics Circuit Lab Electrical Circuit and MI Lab
Automation and Control System Lab Simulation Lab
Biomedical SS, VLSI, DSP Lab Electrical Machine Lab
Power System and High Voltage Lab Green Energy and Power Electronics Lab

The department of EEE @BAUET has total of 14 well-equipped laboratories with modern facilities to support all its’ courses.

SN Laboratory Name Lab In charge Asst. Lab In charge Floor No Room No
1. Electrical Circuits and Measurement Lab Humayun Kabir
Lecturer, Dept. of EEE
Hossain Kabir
ATO, Dept. of EEE
5th 515
2. Electronics Circuit Lab Anika Tasnim Ritu
Lecturer, Dept. of EEE
Md. Nur Alom Shahin
ATO, Dept. of EEE
5th 516
3. Bio-Medical Signals and Systems Lab
Md. Mushfikur Rahman Khan
Lecturer, Dept. of EEE
Md. Shaharia Islam,
Lab Assistant, Dept. of EEE
5th 514
4. Simulation Lab Tarik Bin Abdul Akib
Lecturer, Dept. of EEE
Md. Shakil Molla
Lab Assistant, Dept. of EEE
5th 512
5. Electrical & Electronic Workshop and Automation Lab Tarik Bin Abdul Akib
Lecturer, Dept. of EEE
Md. Shakil Molla
Lab Assistant, Dept. of EEE
5th 511
6. Electrical Machine Lab Dr. Md. Rubel Basar
Assoc. Prof. & Head, Dept. of EEE
Md Atikur Rahman
Lab Assistant, Dept. of EEE
8th 807
7. Power System Lab
High Voltage Engineering Lab
Md. Nazmul Islam
Lecturer, Dept. of EEE
Md.Azizul Islam
ATO, Dept. of EEE
8th 808
8. Power Electronics & Green Energy Lab Abdullah Al-Moti Pintu
Lecturer, Dept. of EEE
Md. Atikur Rahman
Lab Assistant, Dept. of EEE
8th 810