Marks Distribution for  Theory Course

Category Marks
3*Class tests (15)+1*Assignment (15)=Average of  (CT + 1 Assignment) 15
Class Performance 5
Mid-Term 20
Final Examination (Maximum 3 Hours) 60
Total 100%


Distribution of Marks for Sessional Course

Category Marks
Lab test/ Lab Performance (Quiz(20)+ Attendance(05)) 25
Report Writing/ Programming 15
Mid-Term Evaluation (Lab Test-01/Project) 20
Final Evaluation (Lab Test-02/Lab Test) 30
Viva Voce 10
Total 100%


  1. A Quiz of 25 marks can be taken instead of Lab Performance test. In case of Lab performance test, it should be assessed based on the performance on every day’s experiment.
  2. In case of Lab Test -1, it should be conducted on the last week before mid-break. In case of Project, it should be assessed within 14th Week.
  3. In case of conducting two lab tests, Lab test-1 should be on the experiments conducted before mid-break and Lab Test-2 should be conducted only on the experiments conducted after mid break.
  4. Attendance will be considered only as the requirement to sit in Final Lab Test.

Distribution of Marks for IDP

Sl Assessment Tools Marks Time
1 Proposal Submission 5% 1st Week of Class Starts
2 Progress Presentation 15% 8th Week (After Mid Sem)
3 Report Submission 30% 14th Week (Submission)
4 Project show 30% Next Week of Sem. Final
5 Final Defense 20% Next Week of Sem. Final
Total 100%

 Details Marks Distribution of Report Writing 

PO CO Level Blooms Tax. Level Assessment Tools Percentage (30%)
PO3 CO1 H C6 Creating/Designing Report (Project Design) 10%
PO4 CO2 H P3 Precision Report (Literature Review and Methodological Investigation) 5%
P4 Articulation
A4 Organize
Report (Create/Use of Relevant Tools) 5%
PO8 CO5 L A3 Value Report (Checking Plagiarism) 5%
PO11 CO8 L C4 Analyzing Report (Millstone Evaluation) 5%

 Details Marks Distribution of Project Show 

PO CO Level Blooms Tax. Level Assessment Tools Percentage (30%)
PO6 CO4 H A3 Value Project Design (Professional Practice) 20%
P4 Articulation
A4 Organize
Project Show (Learned and used relevant modern tools) 10%


Distribution of Marks for Final Year Thesis/Project

Si Assessment Tools Marks Remarks
1 Proposal 10 Week 2 of Semester 1
2 Progress Presentation/Report 15 Week-13/14 of semester-1
3 Report Writing 55 Week 14 of semester 2
4 Final Defense 20 Week 1 after semester final exam of sem-2
Tools CO PO Assessment Tools Percentage (100%)
Proposal CO1 PO2 Literature Review -4,
Problem Statement-3,
Progress PPT/Report CO8 PO9 Interpersonal skill to work individually or in a team 15
Report Writing CO2 PO3 Report (Final Desing and Outcome) 25
CO3 PO4 Report (Literature Review & Methodology) 5
CO4 PO5 Report (Use of modern tools) 5
CO5 PO6 Report (Discussion and Conclusion) 5
CO7 PO8 Report (Checking Plagiarism & Originality) 5
CO10 PO11 Report (Evaluation of milestone) 5
CO11 PO12 Report (Overall reflection on lifelong learning) 5
Final Defense CO9 PO10 Final Defense (Oral Presentation) 20
Total 100