

Title of the Project  Name of Principal Investigator  Funded By Grant Amount
1. Exploring the effect of co-polymer/nanoclay on the properties of tropical wood polymer nanocomposites. Dr. Md. Saiful Islam GP-IPM/ RM39500, Malaysian Government Tk.7,90,000
2 Fundamental investigation: Effect of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) grafting on the properties of AgNPs-graft-cellulose nanomaterials. Dr. Md. Saiful Islam UPM/700-2/1/FRGS/03-01-15-1700FR, RM122000, Malaysian Government Tk.2,440,000
3 Development a novel hyaluronic acid based hydrogel nananocomposites usin gold nanoparticles and Malaysian Seaweed: A fundamental approach. Dr. Md. Saiful Islam UPM/RMC, RM61000.00

Malaysian Government

4. Development of glass/sugar palm fibre reinforced polyurethane hybrid composites for automotive anti-roll bar, Dr. Md. Saiful Islam UPM/RMC, RM 55680, Malaysian Government Tk.1,113,600
5. Biology, ecology and diversity of the commercially important sea cucubers on the Malaysian coral reefs, Dr. Md. Saiful Islam FASA 2, UPM/RMC,

RM85000, Malaysian Government

6. NST Fellowship for Ph.D research Md. Moynul Islam Ministry of Science and Technology, Govt. of Bangladesh.

(G.O:39.00.0000., Dated: 23/01/2020)

7. NST Fellowship for Ph.D research Technology. Md. Moynul Islam Ministry of Science and Technology, Govt. of Bangladesh. (G.O:39.00.0000., Dated: 04/02/2019) Tk. 3,00,000/-